Download Skripsi Bahasa inggris Terbaru an Analysis of
English Intructional Material
English Intructional Material
Learning English is needed since it is a global language used in both pleasure
and business, such as wider network
of relationship, ease to travel to any English speaking country without
translator and more job opportunities opened.
In English,
there are four skills that must be mastered well: reading
and listening as receptive skills, speaking and writing as productive
skills.1 Receptive
skill means comprehending the meaning of the word in the target language
and relating them to the native language. Meanwhile,
in mastering productive
skill, students are expected to put
their idea in to conversation or written form.
However, in our daily lives, most of us speak more than write. Speaking
is fundamental to human communication. It can
be seen by comparing the different
conversation we have done in one day with how much written communication we do
in one day.
In speaking, some
teachers get difficulties in choosing right instructional
material. Instructional
material is the kind of material
that used by teacher
in learning
1 Jeremy
Harmer, how to teach
English (England: Pearson education limited, 1998),
process in the classroom. It is written or non written materials.2 Using instructional material
there are so many purposes, the instructional material provides the material
that students needed, helps
the students to get the alternative textbook, eases the teacher
in learning process, and makes the effective communication in learning
On the other hand, without knowing
about the benefit,
sometimes teacher
makes a mistake in choosing the instructional material. It is why they get difficulties in using instructional material in the learning
process. Instructional material is an important part in learning
process. The good material
will give the deeply
understanding to the student and catch their
interest in learning process.
Most of the researchers always observe about the teaching method and ignore
the important of the instructional material. Although,
without the right instructional material, however the method it
will be useless. The good material will guide the student to master the language well. It is why the instructional material
is important in learning process.
Moreover, the researcher takes SMPN 1 Surabaya because this school is the first
RSBI (Rintisan Sekolah
Berstandar Internasional, Designed Rating International School) in Surabaya, and there is a research by Novita Widya Alfiani
entitled “A Study of Teaching
English Writing at The First
Year Students of
Accelerated Program at SMPN 1 Surabaya”
in the last semester which finds that English teacher
in RSBI often finds problem
in selecting instructional material. According to this
research, the teacher got problem
in selecting the materials that are suitable with the
students’ level of difficulties. The problem in
selecting the material is like the
appropriate material for students
because they had the different
level of English ability.
RSBI is designed
to become an answer
of the education problems in facing the global challenge.
of schools popular for having
English students.
These facts make people consider that it will automatically
be easier to teach English in
this class than in regular classes.
The reasons are that RSBI students have sufficient English ability and talents to learn and develop their English. Moreover, RSBI students are classified as adolescent learners group or teenage
students that are in fact, overall the best language learners; as the methodologist
Ur, Penny suggests.4
For an English teacher,
it is a challenge to improve their English
skills and
teaching ability. It was so interesting
when the researcher had
a chance to observe the way in teaching speaking at one of RSBI classes.
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